It wasn't long enough. As long as the number of work days out number the play days, it will never be long enough. The best summer of our lives unfolded over the last few months, as we watched the dog days come and go through the eyes of a baby - and it's so different. Yes, the stadium seats were so hot my whole butt would sweat right through my shorts; and yes, there were days the pool felt like a bathtub. But when every mundane task is a brand new experience - which is the case of your not quite 1 - it's just fabulous. For example:
How many cows have you seen ? In your life ? But do you recall the very first cow you saw ? Did your first cow let you stick your finger in his nose ? Did you know that a two week old cow was this big ? Did you know they have all their teeth when they are born ? Did you know they are cuddly and love to be tickled on their cheeks ?
Hell, I didn't even know that the county fair could be so fun. I've always thought of our county fair as a bunch of funky carnival people and pre-teens running around getting kissed by a boy for the first time, and really tacky stuffed toys that look way better suspended 10 feet than up close. (that is all still true). But, it's also a place where a group of 4-H girls run a little piece of heaven called the baby animal petting barn - and you get free chocolate milk. And the Merry Go Round isn't as creepy as I remember, and there are still carnival freaks - god love 'em - they work incredibly hard.
Concerts in the park, rolling down a grass hill, rafting around in the pool, grilling, grilling and more grilling - are all what we expect out of Summer. What I didn't expect was how much better the orchestra sounded from the ground instead of a chair, or how cold fried chicken was especially good with white bordeaux, or that one could be so proud of the fact my child never did poop in his swimmy diaper, thus testing the capabilities of the swimmy diaper.
So with great anticipation, I look forward to our Fall. We fully intend on participating in all of cliche' Fall festivities (insert your favorites here). In fact, the weather has already turned crisp outside and it's easier to breathe. The dogs are downright frisky as are the humans. Something about it just makes you want to tackle your neighbor, then laugh about it over really dark beer and a steamy bratwurst.
We've gotten a head start, with walks in the park and the Fall Art Festivals. Norcross Arts show (17th year I think) was well attended (yae!) and according to the artists I spoke with, money was being spent (better news). I personally didn't see anything I couldn't live without (except a mojito and some tostones from Mojito's), but I did buy the cutest little "kitchen imps" - made of polymer clay.
Frisky little critters, aren't they ?