We all do it. Whether it's the armada of tempting treasures at the checkout stand, or the "can't live without" item on the isle end cap, we all grab and dash with our little justified treasure, because it's ok to splurge during the Holiday's. And it is ok - but I offer this thought:
When you tip during the holiday's, pad what you normally tip - up it to 25% or more and make your servers night.
When you see the bell ringer, make eye contact and smile even if you don't have any change/bills on you - then get change/bills and take it back to them.
When you see someone waiting in line with one item, and you have several, offer your spot to them.
If you see someone driving around looking for a parking spot as you head to your car, wave at them and let them know your spot is about to be available.
Splurge on Time - give more. Splurge on service - give more. Splurge on smiles, and splurge on hugs. Because whether we are out of the recession or not, we are all capable of splurging on each other with kindness.
Happy Holidays !