Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Thought on Wine and our Economy

I'm absolutely amazed. I'm amazed at the number of emails I receive from online wine retailers and local shops alike that have "great deals" on super high end wines - even somewhat high end wines (let's say in the $40-$100 range). Who is buying this stuff ? Granted, I totally get that there is still 93% employment in Georgia, and many of those still employed, have not been hurt by the economic downturn (at least not their short term outlook - they are still getting nice paychecks) - so I understand that plenty of people are still buying expensive wines....BUT, doesn't it seem a little bit shortsighted ? I mean, unless you are buying low to sell high (think cellar auctions) why spend when you can save ? I guess I'm just frugal, and admittedly, don't have the income to flaunt.
My challenge, every day, is to look at my distributors and say - how much ? I NEVER used to do that. I usually don't want to know - and have said so in earlier blogs. But now, I even feel guilty tasting wine that I have no intention of buying. (Ok, not too guilty.)
When I'm pricing out wines, I ask myself - is this price defendable? Is it fair to ask my clients to pay this price, for this wine? It's become my most pressing thought as I choose wines. I'm painfully aware, that it's so easy for my clients to pick up an under $10 bottle of wine at the grocery, when they pick up dinner. So what compels someone to make the trip to a specialty wine store and select a bottle, that will likely be MORE than $10 ? Hopefully, there will be an appreciation for the thought that goes behind the selections in the store. Specialty wine retailers are more known for our "boutique", expensive - and we all have to get beyond that and focus on bringing true value by hand selecting wines that taste fantastic and have a defendable price.

For example - we are pouring Napa Valley wines this week - can you believe I found 4 Napa wines - good ones - small production, really good fruit - Napa Appellation - all for under $25 ?

For now, vboggs will continue to dig for the values. While I may have to constantly justify what I consider a "value" - I believe firmly that if I put this much thought into the wine, you'll put all your effort into enjoying it. Afterall - no one can argue that it's that glass of wine at the end of the day that is making all the bad news go down a little better.



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